Meditation is a simple and practical tool and yet one of the most powerful ways to make improvements Physically, Emotionally and Mentally.

However the real essence of Meditation is the connection to the True Self,
beyond the mind chatter and emotional turbulence

Meditation is one part of Yoga, it has been used by people for thousands of years to move beyond the thinking mind and emotional turbulence to a place of peace and expansion.

Today, our modern living is a bombardment of information and stimulation triggering the fight/Flight/Freeze response which can causes many physical and emotional problems within the MindBody system. This is one of the key reasons why meditation is more valuable than ever. The "restful awareness" that Meditation elicits is the antithesis to The fight /flight response.

Primordial online Meditation program means that you can learn to meditate in a way that is convenient to you.

This course is guided via online modules that you can do at your own pace. The 8 session course includes a live instruction session to receive your Mantra as well as a follow-up call with Avanti.


~ The Primordial Meditation Program is Coming Soon ~

Read Avanti's Article "My Thoughts on Meditation "

Avanti travelled to The Chopra Centre, San Diego in 2013. This was a time after a challenging period through IVF, a life breakdown and then a wake up call. At the Chopra Centre Avanti was yearning for growth and a deeper understanding of herself. She had been practising Yoga for over a decade, but decided at this time to immerse herself into BodyMindSpirit studies and fell in love with a more integrated approach to life.  "Primordial Sound Meditation is one of the most profound practises that I have ever learnt, it is a sacred and beautiful technique it will change your life forever".

Originating in the ancient wisdom of India and revived by renowned spiritual educators and founders of The Chopra Centre, Dr Deepak Chopra and Dr David Simons, Primordial Sound Meditation is an effective tool that can improve all areas of your life so that you become more connected to your deepest and truest self.

"A tethered bird grows tired from flying in every direction, finding  rest nowhere and settles down at last on the very perch on which it is tied. In the same way the mind, tired of wandering around here and there settles down at last in the Self, its life and breath, to which it is bound. All creatures have their source in that being"

-The Upanishads 

Your true self awaits